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Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Map Find - Bivariate

I found a good one. This one is about Sasquatch. It's easy to read and understand. My main takeaway is that Sasquatch has evolved to live in many different areas, but hates most of the great plains. Joshua Stevens made it. He is a cartographer and PhD student at PennState. This was an inset map of a bigger dot density map of similar look/feel that shows the spatial distribution of sightings much better.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Found 2 Geodetic markers

Found 2 marker. I have no idea why the images are rotated. I used NOAA's Geodetic Mark locator map website to find them. I walked directly to both of them. I looked for two others in the area with no luck.

Lab 10

Lab 10 ended better than it started. Trying to figure out what to do with 2 sets of data took longer than than it needed. I ended up just picking something on going with it. I think the map is easy to look at and the proportional symbol/choropleth match works well. I used a complimentary color wheel to pick blue and orange. The legend was something I tooled with for a while. There might be a best way to lay that out, but i tried several and they all looked equally awkward. In any event, it's done.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Lab 9

Lab 9 started well, but then I got going with the dots. I'm not sure if the size came out right. The colors and background were easy and I was satisfied with the text, but the dot size was questionable. I think 400 people per dot was over kill because doesn't represent density as accurately as if i were to use less people per dot. In any event, it's done. Next Lab.

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Map Find - Dot Density

I picked this map because it's election day. If you are an intern working for a candidate you should be looking at maps like this instead of bothering me as I try to get in and out of the grocery store without being accosted. This map shows you where the voter turnout is in Virginia. As an intern, you should be accosting the people in central and southwestern Virginia. We clearly don't have a problem with voter turnout in NOVA, or Richmond, or Hampton Roads. Each dot represents 30 vote casts and I see a tons of single dots in other places than here in Fairfax.  The Bull Elephant posted this map, but you can thank the Center for Politics in Charlottesville for doing the plotting.